1. It has freely chosen to belong to a central union and a professional federation, namely the Fédération nationale des communications et de la culture (FNCC).
  2. It shares the union life of the CSN”s Conseils centraux where it is present.
  3. It has access to quality technical and professional assistance, as well as professional defense funds, without having their choices imposed on them.
  1. It ensures the participation of each member in its bodies and the election of its representatives by the appropriate body.
  2. It takes all its decisions after a public debate held locally or in a body: union office, union council or general assembly.
    syndical, conseil syndical ou assemblée générale.
  3. Its leaders are bound by the decisions of the authorities.
  1. It believes that each of its members has the right to job security.
  2. It believes that working conditions and compensation should be subject to collective bargaining. It also considers that the remuneration criteria must be public.
  3. It believes that each of its members has the right to respect for its values ​​and its work.
  1. It defends the presence and production of Société Radio-Canada in all regions, supports its development and defends internal production, both for general programming and for information.
  2. It defends the public broadcaster and producer, including the production and distribution of Canadian content on all platforms.
  3. It demands long-term, indexed funding from Société Radio-Canada.

Note that in this document, the use of the masculine gender has been adopted in order to lighten the text and facilitate reading, and has no discriminatory intent.


1.1 The union bears the name Syndicat des Travailleurs et Travailleurs de Radio-Canada (FNC-CSN) and is referred to herein as the “union” or “STTRC”.

1.2 The union has its head office in Montreal at the address designated by the union council.

When used herein, the term “region” designates the following geographic group(s), where the members mainly, but not exclusively, exercise their functions :

  • Moncton
  • Montreal (includes foreign correspondents)
  • Quebec
  • Other regions (Sept-Îles, Saguenay, Matane, Rimouski, Trois-Rivières, Sherbrooke & Rouyn-Noranda)

1.4 The union is affiliated with the Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN), the Fédération nationale des communications et des communications (FNCC) and to the central councils of cities where the union is recognized as the bargaining agent.


2.1 The STTRC draws its principles of action from the Declaration of Principles of the Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN).


3.1 The union’s objects and goals are the study, protection, advancement and progress of the moral, social, professional, political and economic interests of its members.

3.2 The union proposes to achieve these goals :

  • by developing among its members the spirit of solidarity and justice;
  • by promoting the professional training of its members;
  • by working to promote the professional interests of its members;
  • by obtaining a better standard of living and better working conditions for its members, by negotiating and signing collective labor agreements with Société Radio-Canada.

4.1 The authorities of the union are:
a) the general assembly;
b) the union council;
c) the union office.


5.1 Any person employed by Société Radio-Canada in a position falling within the bargaining unit, as appearing on the certification certificate granted to the union by the Canada Industrial Relations Board on October 8, 2015, is eligible to become a member in good standing of the union.

5.2 Any person or group of persons for whom the union has not yet negotiated a collective agreement, but who has paid the minimum initiation fees provided for in the Canada Labor Code is eligible to become a member in good standing of the union provided that be employed by Société Radio-Canada.

To determine a person’s eligibility, the union relies on the last two (2) contribution reports received from Société Radio-Canada or, failing that, the person must provide written proof that he is employed by Société Radio-Canada in a position falling within the bargaining unit.


6.1 Any eligible natural person who pays the union dues set by the general assembly is considered a member of the STTRC.

6.2 Any eligible individual is considered a member in good standing of the STTRC, provided they meet the following criteria :

a) have signed their STTRC membership card;
b) have paid the required entrance fees;
c) pay the union dues fixed by the general assembly;
d) Adhere to and comply with these Statutes and regulations.


7.1 Only members in good standing may avail themselves of the privileges and advantages conferred by the Statutes and regulations of the union.

7.2 The member in good standing may consult and examine the books of the union, provided that he has given seven (7) days’ notice to the union office.

7.3 The status of member in good standing confers the right to attend all ordinary, annual and extraordinary general meetings of the union, to speak there, to benefit from the right to vote on any question, proposal, amendment or sub-amendment. submitted to the general meeting, as well as the right to make proposals.

Members of the bargaining unit who are not members in good standing may attend general meetings on the tentative agreement or the employer’s offer to renew the collective agreement and on the strike vote, but their participation is limited to voting on these two (2) subjects.

7.4 Only members in good standing may apply for the position of union officer or delegate.

7.5 Any member who has ceased to pay his union dues sees all his rights suspended until he returns to a position covered by the accreditation certificate.

However, a member laid off, on leave without pay, suspended by Société Radio-Canada, on strike, locked out, subject to dismissal or non-renewal of contract with request for reinstatement pending before the grievance committee, an arbitrator or a court, retains all his rights as long as he maintains his employment relationship or until the arbitral award confirming the dismissal is pronounced.

7.6 To receive communications from the union, the member, whether or not he is in good standing, must provide an email address different from that provided by Radio-Canada.

7.7 To have access to electronic voting, the member must have satisfied the criteria of article 6.2 and provide an email address different from that provided by Radio-Canada.


8.1 The status of member in good standing is lost by resignation, suspension or expulsion from the union.

8.2 A member in good standing may be suspended or expelled from the union for, among other things, refusing to comply with commitments made to the union as well as union directives or for having caused serious harm to the union.

8.3 The discipline committee pronounces the suspension or expulsion of the union.

8.4 A member in good standing affected by the suspension or expulsion may appeal the composition of the discipline committee to the union council.

8.5 The Discipline Committee invites the respondent member to be heard before rendering its decision. The latter can appeal the decision to the union council within one month.


9.1 The general assembly is the meeting of the active members in good standing of the union and constitutes the supreme authority of the STTRC. In compliance with the Statutes, it can take any decision useful to the proper functioning of the union.
The General Assembly meets in annual, ordinary or extraordinary session. The decisions taken there bind all the members.

9.2 Powers and responsabilities

9.2.1 The general meeting has the following powers and responsibilities :
a)the adoption and modification of the Statutes and regulations;
b) the adoption of the annual financial statements;
c) adoption of union dues;
d) the adoption of the draft collective agreement and the ratification of the collective agreement;
e) the adoption of the strike vote;
f) the dismissal of one or more members of the union office;
g) the extension of the mandates of the union office and the union council during the negotiation period;
h) liquidation and dissolution of the union, affiliation and disaffiliation from one or more organizations
i) the designation of the person presiding over the general meeting at the request of the president of the union; this person must not be involved in the matters dealt with by the general meeting;
j) the modification or cancellation of any decision of the union council;
k) the calling of elections to the union office when its mandate comes to an end;
l) the adoption of the negotiation project;
m) the election of the members of the financial oversight committee;
n) the appointment of the members of the election committee, in connection with the electoral procedure.

9.3 Convocation : deadlines
All general meetings are convened in writing. The union office is the body that convenes the meetings in accordance with the deadlines provided for in articles 9.5.1, 9.6.1 or 9.7.1. The notice of meeting specifies the date, time, place, format of the meeting and the main points of the agenda.

9.4 Role and operation

9.4.1 Roles
The general meeting also serves to consult, inform and mobilize the members.

9.4.2 Meeting formats The general meeting of members can be held in a single place, simultaneously or consecutively. Members have the choice of attending meetings in person or by videoconference. Three (3) formats are recommended: the roaming assembly (in more than one place and over several sessions), the single assembly (a single assembly in a single place) and the simultaneous assembly (a single assembly in several places). Roaming and simultaneous meeting formats can be combined. Any member in good standing may attend the general meeting in Montreal, where it is held. At the request of members of a station or office served by the union, it will be possible to attend the meeting from a designated location if at least five (5) members express the desire in writing, to the Union office, at least twenty (20) days before the General Assembly. In the event of force majeure preventing the holding of the meeting according to the formats provided for in the Statutes, the union council establishes the terms of the general meeting.

9.4.3 Places and means
The union office chooses the places of the meetings taking into account the number of members in a region other than Montreal likely to participate, the travel time to attend the meeting and the union’s legal obligations in terms of confidentiality of secret ballots.

9.4.4 Registration for General Meetings

Members who wish to participate in a meeting by videoconference must register at least seventy-two (72) hours before it is held. Registration is done electronically at an address communicated by the secretary-treasurer to the union office. Members who wish to attend a meeting in person register at the entrance to the location where the meeting is being held.

9.5 Annual general assembly
The annual general assembly meets in a statutory manner at least once (1) per year, and this, within ninety (90) days following the end of the financial year of the union.

During a bargaining year, the union council has the power to postpone the annual general meeting for a reasonable time.

9.5.1 Notice period
The union office sets the date, time and place of the annual general meeting. It sends a notice of meeting to the members at least four (4) weeks before it is held.

The proposed agenda and relevant documents must be provided in writing at least two (2) weeks before the meeting is held.

9.5.2 Powers and responsibilities
The annual general meeting deals with the subjects provided for in the agenda and listed in article 9.2. The powers and responsibilities specifically reserved to it are as follows :
a) the adoption of the annual financial statements;
b) adoption of union dues;
c) the election of the members of the financial oversight committee;
d) the calling of elections to the union office when his mandate comes to an end;
In addition, the secretary-treasurer presents the budget adopted by the union council to the general assembly.

9.6 Ordinary general assembly
An ordinary general assembly may be convened at any time by the president of the union, in consultation with the members of the union office.

9.6.1 Notice period
For an ordinary general meeting, the union office sends the notice of meeting at least two (2) weeks before the meeting is held. The notice of meeting is accompanied by the proposed agenda, which may be modified at the opening of the meeting.

9.6.2 Powers
The ordinary general meeting deals with the topics on the agenda.

9.7 Extraordinary general meeting
Extraordinary general meetings may be convened at any time by :
a) the president of the union, in consultation with the members of the union office;
b) a group of members in good standing which represents at least ten percent (10%) of all the members, and which submits a written request to the union office. Such request must be accompanied by the proposed agenda and be signed by all applicants.

9.7.1 Deadlines and convocation a) Notice of convocation to an extraordinary general meeting convened by the president or by the union office is sent to the members at least seven (7) days before the meeting is held. The notice is accompanied by the agenda, which cannot be modified. b) When a vote on a draft collective agreement is scheduled for the general meeting, one or more information meetings are organized before the general meeting to answer members’ questions and the draft agreement is sent to the members before these information meetings are held. If changes are made to the project in the meantime, they are communicated to the members before the start of the meeting. a) Exceptionally, on the occasion of a strike or a lockout, the president or the union office may convene the members to an extraordinary general meeting at twenty-four (24) hours notice. b) In this context, the conditions provided for in articles a) and b) do not apply. Notice of an extraordinary general meeting convened at the request of a group of members, as described in article 9.7 b), is sent to the members by the union office within eight (8) days. upon receipt at the union of the request from this group and at least three (3) days before the said meeting is held.

9.7.2 Powers
The Extraordinary General Meeting deals with the topics on the agenda.

9.8 Assembly rules and procedure

9.8.1 With the exceptions below, the rules of procedure governing all assemblies and meetings provided for in these bylaws are those enacted by the Code des règles de procédure de la CSN (CSN Code of Rules of Procedure), unless two-thirds (⅔) of the members in good standing present decide to suspend or modify them, or provided otherwise in these Statutes. Each member must take the necessary means to exercise their right to vote during the voting period provided for in article 41.16.

9.8.1 a) The procedure for the preliminary question is that provided for in the Code des règles de procédure de la CSN, except that the question cannot be asked before fifteen (15) people have spoken in the debate.

Plenary Committee

9.8.1 b) At any time, the assembly may decide by simple majority to form a Plenary Committee for a period of thirty (30) minutes. This measure makes it possible to suspend the usual rules of procedure in order to examine a subject in detail. The extension of this committee is decided by simple majority of thirty (30) minutes in thirty (30) minutes.

9.8.1 c) During a vote on pressure tactics, on a draft collective agreement or on an employer’s offer, the assembly holds a plenary committee meeting lasting a minimum of one (1) hour. The extension of this committee and the duration of this extension are decided by simple majority by the assembly.

9.8.2 Decisions are taken by majority vote, unless otherwise provided in these Statutes.

9.8.3 At any time, a member in good standing may request that a secret ballot be held on a main proposal.

9.8.4 The secret ballot is taken on a paper ballot. The union council may determine before the meeting other procedures for the members present at the meeting to exercise their right to vote, including electronic voting.

9.9 Right to vote of certain absent members

9.9.1 When voting on a strike mandate, the adoption or rejection of a collective agreement, members who cannot participate in the general meeting due to an assignment at work or exceptional situations, such as illness, stay outside the country, funeral of a loved one or issues related to childcare, may cast their votes by electronic vote or by telephone. They must complete a form provided by the union indicating the reasons for their absence and provide, if possible, documents in support of their request and send everything to the union’s e-mail address no later than two days before the general meeting at 5 p.m. (6 p.m. in Moncton)

9.9.2 A committee appointed by the union office will validate these requests and its decision will be final.

9.9.3 A member who makes a false declaration is liable to the sanctions provided for in article 8.


10.1 The quorum is made up of the members in good standing present. However, the union has a moral obligation to promote the greatest possible participation of members and to recall the quorum rule during the convocation.


11.1 The union council is composed of the members of the union office and of the persons delegated by the sections.


12.1 The union council has the exclusive power to :
a) interpret the Statutes and regulations;
b) modify the terms of general meetings;
c) decide on the creation and composition of the sections in accordance with article 15;
d) adopt the budget and modify it;
e) adopt financial policies;
f) appoint the members of the committees on the recommendation of the union office and, if necessary, to entrust their appointment to the union office;
g) ratify any letter of agreement modifying the text of the collective agreement;
h) temporarily fill vacancies in the union office;
i) appoint substitutes in the event of a vacancy on the negotiation committee, according to the procedures set out in article 38.

12.2 The Union council :
a) takes any initiative and any measure that it deems useful and necessary for the smooth operation of the union and which is not incompatible with these Statutes and regulations;
b) receives the reports of the Elections Committee, the Discipline Committee and any other committee that he himself has formed, and process them;
c) receives the reports he has requested from the union office and processes them;
d) defines the priorities according to the major orientations of the union.


13.1 The union council holds at least two (2) ordinary meetings between the annual general meetings. The president of the union, or the union office convenes the union council, with a notice of seven (7) days.

13.1.1 Moreover, upon receipt of a request signed by twenty-five percent (25%) of the union council member delegates, the president or the union office must, within seven (7) days, convene a special meeting of the union council. union with seven (7) days’ notice. The written request must indicate the subjects to be placed on the agenda and the debates are limited to these subjects.

13.2 The union council may be convened at any time for a special meeting. Debates are limited to the subjects indicated in the notice of meeting.

13.3 The union office prepares the agenda for the regular meetings of the union council. The notice of meeting must include the agenda for extraordinary meetings.


14.1 The quorum is established at forty percent (40%) of the members who make up the union council.

14.2 The union office may dismiss any delegate elected by its section who is absent without valid reason from two (2) consecutive meetings of the union council, and who neglects to be replaced. The members of the section he represents must elect a new delegate as soon as possible.


15.1 The members of the union are grouped into sections according to the functions they occupy, the department and the place where they work.

15.2 The union council determines the composition of the sections and the number of delegates to which each is entitled. It reviews it every three (3) years no later than June 30 of the year in which the elections provided for in Article 43 are held.

15.3 Each section is entitled to one (1) delegate, at least, and one (1) substitute.

15.4 The union council sets the number of delegates for a section based on the January union dues report. All persons who have an employment relationship during this month are considered for the purposes of calculating members.

15.5 The union council may also review the composition and representation of the sections in the event of significant changes in the Radio-Canada workforce.


16.1 The section delegate is the representative and spokesperson of the members of his section within the union council. He must familiarize himself with the collective agreement, the Statutes and regulations as well as with the grievance procedure, in order to be able to provide the required assistance to the members of her section.

16.2 The section delegate sees to the respect of the collective agreement within his section. He must promptly report any irregularity or violation of the collective agreement to the union office, which will take the necessary steps.

16.3 The delegate supports the union office in its work. He participates in the work of the union office when its members request it.

16.4 The section delegate ensures that all the members of his section become members in good standing of the union and remain so.

16.5 The section delegate ensures that all members of his section receive all written documentation and notices from the union, and that they are informed of union activities.

16.6 The delegate has the duty to participate in the meetings of the union council. If unable to participate, he must ask the substitute to take his place. If the substitute cannot represent the section at the meeting of the union council, the delegate must, as much as possible, be replaced by another non-delegated person from his section.

16.7 The mandate of the delegate is for a period of three (3) years.


17.1 The section substitute replaces the delegate of his section within the union council when the latter cannot take part in the union council meeting. He must familiarize himself with the collective agreement, the Statutes and regulations as well as the grievance procedure in order to be able to provide the required assistance to the members of his section.

17.2 The section substitute sees to the respect of the collective agreement within his section. He must promptly report any irregularity or violation of the collective agreement to the section delegate who will take the necessary steps.

17.3 The section substitute helps the delegate so that all the members of his section become members in good standing of the union and remain so.

17.4 The section substitute helps the delegate so that all the members of his section receive all written documentation and notices from the union, and so that they are informed of union activities.

17.5 The mandate of the section substitute is three (3) years.


18.1 The members of a section may hold information meetings convened by the person(s) representing them on the union council.


19.1 The union office is made up of ten (10) people.

The members of the union office must not occupy a position of delegate within the union council or of substitute in a section.

19.1.1 The following six (6) persons are elected by universal ballot of the members :
a) president;
b) secretary-treasurer;
c) labor relations officer;
d) grievance and disputes officer;
e) head of communications and mobilization;
f) equity, health and safety officer.

19.1.2 The following four (4) persons are elected solely by the members of the stations they represent :
a) Moncton coordinator;
b) Montreal coordinator;
c) Quebec coordinator;
d) coordinator of other regions.


20.1 The duration of the mandate of the members of the union office is three (3) years.


21.1 The union office has the exclusive power :

a) to interpret the collective agreement;
b) to determine the treatment to be given to grievances;
c) to convene ordinary and extraordinary meetings of the union council and the general assembly;
d) to prepare the agenda for meetings of the union council and the general assembly;
e) to decide on the holding of a referendum vote (electronic or other) and set the terms thereof;
f) to hire, sanction and dismiss persons employed by the union;
g) to enforce the Statutes and regulations of the union and the decisions of the authorities.

21.2 The union office :

a) carries out the mandates received from the general assembly and the union council;
b) reports on its work and actions to the union council and to the general assembly;
c) examines the questions submitted to it and reports to the union council;
d) submits a grievance report to the union council;
e) provides immediately for the administration of the property of the syndicate and the dispatch of current business;
g) takes any initiative and any measure that he deems useful and necessary for the proper functioning of the union and which is not incompatible with these Statutes and regulations;
h) receives and deals with complaints;
i) approves agreements with the employer provided that they do not modify the collective agreement and are intended only to agree on an interpretation and terms of application;
j) forms the committees it needs, other than those reporting directly to the union council and the general assembly, and appoints their members;
k) recommends changes to the Statutes and regulations after consultation with the union council;
l) appoints one of its members to each union committee.


22.1 The quorum is six (6) members.


23.1 The president :

23.1.1 Is responsible for :

a) officially representing the union;
b) chairing the meetings of the authorities and moderating the debates;
c) enforcing procedures during debates and assemblies;
d) ensuring the execution of mandates and seeing that those elected take care of their respective duties;
e) ensuring consistent interpretation of the collective agreement, Statutes and regulations;
f) carrying out the decisions taken in the various bodies of the union;
g) reporting to the union office, to the union council and to the general meeting;
h) authorizing leaves for union activities;
i) performing any other task or responsibility entransmitting to his successor, at the end of his mandate, all the property of the syndicate which is in his custody;
l) participating in the Consultative Committee on Staff Benefits;
m) coordinating the work of the staff of the union and the functioning of the union office, or delegating this responsibility to another member of the union office.

23.1.2 The president :

a) exercises his right to vote only in the event of a tie vote at meetings of union bodies;
b) is an ex-officio member of all committees as well as all delegations and bodies of the union, unless otherwise indicated in these Statutes;sauf indication contraire dans les présents statuts;
c) signs the official documents of the union.

23.2 In the event of the president’s inability to perform his duties, the secretary-treasurer shall convene the union office to designate the officer who will assume the interim, if necessary, until triggering of an election, all in accordance with the provisions of articles 30 and 42.


24.1 The secretary-treasurer

24.1.1 Is responsible as secretary for: :

a) drafting and keeping the minutes of the various union bodies and having them adopted by the appropriate body during a subsequent session;
b) giving access, at all times, to the registers of the minutes of the union office, the union council and the general assembly, to any member in good standing who has requested it within seven (7) days;
c) collecting and ensuring the preservation of the minutes of the various union committees;
d) receiving, classifying and preserving all union communications;
e) convening and organizing meetings of the union office, the union council and the general meeting of members;
f) maintaining an up-to-date list of union members;
g) establishing and maintaining a document retention policy for the Union;
h) initiating the replacement procedure in the event of a vacancy in an elective position, in accordance with the terms of articles 30 and 41;
i) keeping union membership cards in an appropriate place;
j) establishing and maintaining a policy on the confidentiality of members’ personal information and monitoring it.

24.1.2 Is responsible as treasurer for :

a) receiving, collecting and depositing without delay the income of the union in a credit union or a bank chosen by the union council;
b) authorizing releases for union activities as well as statements of duties;
c) making all disbursements by check bearing two (2) signatures, his own and that of one of the persons designated by the union office;
d) producing, at all times, the accounting records and other documents required by the CSN’s executive committee;

e) presenting a quarterly financial report to the union office as well as to the members of the financial monitoring committee and tabling the most recent report at meetings of the union council;
f) presenting the audited financial statements and detailed budget forecasts to the union council and to the annual general assembly;
g) requesting the express authorization of the union office to make an investment or to liquidate securities before their maturity;
h) having the union council adopt a special budget for any expense deemed unusual;
i) transmitting without delay to the new holder, at the end of his mandate, all the funds, the properties and the values ​​of the syndicate of which he had the custody, as well as all the accounting registers, the sheets of collection of contributions, the vouchers and any other document relating to the financial administration of the union. This obligation applies not only to the files he accumulated during his term of office, but also to those sent to him.

24.2 The secretary-treasurer signs the official documents of the union.

24.3 In the event of prolonged absence of the secretary-treasurer, the union office appoints a person who will assume the interim until his return, or until the election of a new person to this position, and this, according to the methods of articles 30 and 41.


25.1 The union coordinators assume the tasks and responsibilities entrusted to them by the union office.

25.1.1 They are responsible for :

a) coordinating the union work of the region or regions to which their coordination position is attached;
b) exchanging with the other officials of the union office all the information and files relating to the stareporting to the union office and the union council on the realities specific to the region or regions where they assume coordination;
d) supporting the regional committee(s) in their work;
e) seeing to the cohesion between the regions by meeting with the other coordinators at least three (3) times a year;
f) transmitting to the union office and the union council the questions and issues submitted to them regarding the situation of members in the regions;
g) reporting to the union office, to the union council and to the general assembly;
h) enforcing the union structure;
i) performing any other task or responsibility entrusted to them by the union office;
j) transmitting to their successor, at the end of their mandate, all the property of the syndicate which is in their custody.


26.1 The labor relations officer

26.1.1 Is responsible for :

a) participating in the following committees :

i. Labor Relations Committee;

ii. Joint Workforce Planning Committee;
b) establishing and keeping up-to-date a policy on relations with members and services of the union, and ensuring its follow-up;
c) working with the coordinators to follow up on its files in all sections and regions;
d) enforcing the union structure;
e) coordinating with the person in charge of grievances and disputes, in particular to follow up on deadlines for grievances to be filed;
f) performing any other task or responsibility entrusted to him by the union office;
g) reporting to the union office, to the union council and to the general assembly;
h) transmitting to his successor, at the end of his mandate, all the property of the syndicate which is in his custody.


27.1 The grievance and disputes officer

27.1.1 Is responsible for:

a) coordinating the work of the grievance committee;
b) sitting on the Joint Grievance Committee;
c) ensuring the follow-up of grievances until their conclusion by an amicable agreement or an arbitration decision;
d) ensuring the application of the arbitration decision or the out-of-court settlement;
e) working together with the coordinators to ensure good cohesion of grievances in all sections and regions;
f) coordinating with the person in charge of labor relations to determine the grievances to file and monitor deadlines;
g) reporting to the union office, to the union council and to the general assembly;
h) communicating the recommendations of the grievance committee to the union office and ensuring their follow-up;
i) participating in the development of grievance and litigation strategies;
j) ensuring that a member of the union office or, if unable to attend, of the grievance committee is present during sessions before an arbitrator or any other tribunal;
k) enforcing the union structure;
l) performing any other task or responsibility entrusted to him by the union office;
m) transmitting to his successor, at the end of his mandate, all the property of the syndicate which is in his custody.


28.1 The head of communications and mobilization

28.1.1 Is responsible for :

a) developing and implementing a mobilization plan during the negotiation period or during specific mobilization actions;
b) working with the coordinators to ensure union life and communications in all sections and regions;
c) managing all public communications from the union
d) creating and updating means and tools for union communication and mobilization;
e) working in collaboration with all the committees;
f) implementing and maintaining union communication strategies;
g) ensuring media monitoring of issues that affect the union;
h) enforcing the union structure;
i) leading the campaign to support Radio-Canada;
j) reporting to the union office, to the union council and to the general assembly;
k) performing any other task or responsibility entrusted to him by the union office;
l) transmitting to his successor, at the end of his mandate, all the property of the syndicate which is in his custody.


29.1 The Equity, Health and Safety Officer

29.1.1 On matters of occupational health and safety, is responsible for :

a) sitting on the Health and Safety Policy Committee;
b) participating in the Workload and Work Environment Committee;
c) ensuring that all positions on local Health and Safety Policy Committees are filled;
d) working with the coordinators to follow up on its files in all sections and regions;
e) ensuring that all members of Health and Safety Policy Committees receive appropriate training;
f) ensuring cohesion between the various local Health and Safety Policy Committees;
g) submitting to the union council and the union office the issues of occupational health and safety at Société Radio-Canada;
h) participating in various forums on occupational health and safety;
i) ensuring that prevention methods and tools are respected and applied;
j) following up on the occupational health and safety files of members who have suffered an industrial accident or an employment injury;

k) seeing to the application of the laws and regulations in force with regard to occupational health and safety;

29.1.2 On issues of equity and diversity, is responsible for :

a) representing the union on the Joint Employment Equity Committee;
b) implementing an equity and diversity policy under the terms of applicable laws, and monitor it;
c) working with the coordinators to follow up on its files in all sections and regions;
d) producing reports on equity and diversity within the union;
e) implementing and monitoring a harassment and violence policy;
f) representing the union at forums that address these issues and monitoring how Société Radio-Canada fulfills its obligations on these issues;
g) reporting to the union office, to the union council and to the general meeting;
h) enforcing the union structure;
i) performing any other task or responsibility entrusted to him by the union office;
j) transmitting to his successor, at the end of his mandate, all the property of the syndicate which is in his custody.

29.1.3 In the event of a departure before the expiry of a mandate, the vacant position is filled by the substitute. If the substitute is unable to fill the position, the position must be filled according to the terms of article 30.


30.1 Resignation or death of a member of the union office, a delegate or a substitute

30.1.1 In the event of the resignation or death of a member of the union office, a delegate or a substitute occurring before January 1 of the year in which his term ends, elections are called in the month following the vacancy, and this, according to the procedures provided for in article 41 or 42, as the case may be, subject to section 30.5.1.

30.1.2 In the event of the resignation or death of a member of the union office, a delegate or a substitute occurring after January 1 of the year in which his term ends, the union council must call elections in the month following the vacancy, and this, according to the procedures provided for in article 41 or 42, as the case may be. It could also decide to fill the position(s) temporarily until the end of the mandate.

30.2 Resignation or death of a member of a committee

30.2.1 In the event of the resignation or death of a member of a committee appointed by the general assembly, the union council must call elections within one month of the vacancy, and this, according to the methods provided for in article 41, or fill the position or positions temporarily for a period not exceeding three (3) months, a period which is renewable. He could also decide not to fill the position.

30.3 Dismissal of one or more members of the union office

30.3.1 If the general assembly dismisses one or more members of the union office, under article 9.2 f), it must also designate the those who will lead the union during the interim. One or more new members of the union office must be elected, according to the procedures provided for in article 41.

30.4 Extended absence, inability or unwillingness to act of an elected member

30.4.1 In the event of an extended absence over a scheduled or elapsed period of at least three (3) months or in the event of the death of an elected member, the union office informs the union council of the situation as soon as possible. After having taken cognizance of all the circumstances, the union council may put an end to the mandate of the elected member and call elections, in accordance with articles 30.1, 30.2 and 41, as the case may be, and this, when it deems appropriate. It could also decide to temporarily fill the position for a period not exceeding three (3) months, a period which is renewable, or it could also decide not to fill the position. In the event that the union council does not put an end to the mandate of the elected member, the latter will be automatically reinstated upon his return.

30.4.2 In the event of incapacity or refusal to act by a member elected to at least three (3) consecutive meetings to which he is invited, the union office may request explanations for these absences. If the explanations are not to the satisfaction of the union office, it informs the union council of the situation as soon as possible. After having taken cognizance of all the circumstances, the union council may put an end to the mandate of the elected member and call elections, in accordance with articles 30.1, 30.2 and 41, as the case may be, and this, when he deems appropriate. It could also decide to temporarily fill the position for a period not exceeding three (3) months, a period which is renewable, or it could also decide not to fill the position.


31.1 Regional stations may set up regional committees.

31.2 The regional committee is made up of :

a) delegates from the sections of the station;

b) substitutes for sections of the station;

c) representatives elected by the members of the station;

d) at least three (3) people.

31.3 In accordance with the union’s Statutes and regulations, the regional committee must:

a) welcome new members;
b) animate union life in the region;
c) enforce the collective agreement;
d) enforce the decisions taken by the union council and the general assembly;
e) report on its work to the members of the station, to the coordinator and to the union council;
f) participate in the development of strategies on grievances and disputes that concern the members of the station;
g) take any initiative and measure that he deems useful and necessary for the union life of the station, and which are not incompatible with the Statutes and regulations.

31.4 The members of the regional station: :

a) determine the number of representatives who make up the regional committee;
b) meet at least once (1) a year in a local assembly;
c) elect the members of the regional committee;
d) make any decision relating to the station which is not incompatible with the union’s Statutes and regulations.


32.1 The financial year of the union begins on January 1 and ends on December 31.

32.2 Union funds are invested exclusively in securities constituting legal investments, insured and offered by a deposit-taking financial institution.


33.1 Union members are not entitled to any remuneration. They are entitled to reimbursement of travel expenses according to the union’s policy in force, as well as reimbursement of expenses incurred by special assignments such as delegations.

33.2 The union reimburses members for lost wages on the basis of daily wages during leaves for union activities.

33.3 In order to limit the financial losses of the union leaders during the days of union leave, the union council sets compensation to be paid to the members of the union office, the union council and the union committees, and this, according to the terms and conditions that it will determine every now and then.


34.1 The Financial Oversight Committee is composed of three (3) persons and one (1) substitute.

34.2 The committee is elected by the members present at the Annual General Meeting.

34.3 The members of the committee must not have held a position in the union office for the last three (3) years.

34.4 The delegates, the substitutes, the members of the union office as well as the candidates seeking a position within the union office cannot become members of the committee.

34.5 The mandate of the members of the committee is for a period of two (2) years.

34.6 In the event of a departure before the expiry of a mandate, the vacant position is filled by the substitute. If the substitute is unable to fill the position, the position must be filled according to the terms of article 30.

34.7 A member of the committee who leaves Société Radio-Canada for another employer, even if he remains on the list of temporary employees of Société Radio-Canada, is considered as no longer a member of the committee. The vacant position is filled according to the terms of article 30.


35.1 The Financial Oversight Committee meets at least once (1) every six (6) months.

35.2 The Treasurer must be present at the meetings of the committee unless the members of the committee request to meet without his presence.

35.3 The quorum is two (2) members.


36.1 The Financial Oversight Committee

36.1.1 Is responsible for :

a) reviewing all income and expenses of the union;
b) ensuring that expenses are in accordance with union policies;
c) verifying the application of the financial resolutions adopted by the general meeting, the union council and the union office;

d) submitting, at least twice (2) a year, a written report of its work to the union office and the union council;
e) submitting the annual written report of its work to the annual general meeting;
f) making, if necessary, recommendations to the annual general meeting after having previously submitted them to the union office and the union council.


37.1 The negotiating committee is made up of six (6) members including the president of the union, the labor relations officer or the disputes and grievances officer; of these six (6) members, at least one (1) comes from a region outside Montreal. In the event of force majeure, the president may designate another elected official from the union office to take his place. The choice of his or her replacement must be ratified by the union office.

37.2 The four (4) members of the negotiating committee are elected by all members. The union council presents its recommendations to the General Assembly. The negotiating committee may add, on an ad hoc basis, in consultation or for a longer period, the participation of members with specific expertise or realities to improve its work or its knowledge of the issues specific to different job titles, employment statuses, territorial realities or on questions of inclusion and diversity.

37.2.1 In the event of resignation or departure from the negotiating committee, the negotiating committee determines whether replacement is necessary and makes a recommendation to the union office. The decision to fill the said vacancy or not is left to the prerogative of the union council which will determine, if necessary, to proceed with the replacement and to hold a new election.

37.3 Notwithstanding article 37.2.1, all members of the committee have the responsibility to represent the interests of all union members.

37.4 The election of the committee takes place at least nine (9) months before the expiry of the collective agreement, on a date determined by the union office and according to the procedure specified in article 45.

37.4.1 The union’s Mediation and Conflict Resolution Committee is seized of any serious dispute that arises within the negotiating committee and which alters its functioning. It reports to the union council which can, on the recommendation of the mediation and conflict resolution committee, take the necessary measures to restore good order.


38.1 The Bargaining Committee :

a) takes an in-depth knowledge of the agreement in force;
b) exchanges with the union office, the union council and the grievance committee to draw up a list of demands;
c) makes a consultation tour in each station; uses other means of consultation as needed in addition to the tour;
d) prepares a draft negotiation at the end of the consultations,
e) submits the negotiation project to the general meeting of members for adoption;
f) conducts negotiations according to the mandate received from the general assembly;

g) presents a state of the negotiations at meetings of the union council and at general meetings
h) participates regularly in meetings of the union office to inform it of the state of negotiations;
i) consults the members and the authorities of the union during the duration of the negotiation;
j) makes sure to obtain up-to-date information on the negotiation issues throughout the negotiation;
k) aims to achieve consensus within it;
l) mandates some of its members to liaise with the following groups:

i. Extended Mobilization Committee

ii. Restricted Information and Mobilization Committee

iii. Substitutes

m) presents a proposal to adopt or reject any employer’s offer or proposal of regulations submitted to the union office, the union council and the general assembly. The meeting alone has the power to accept or refuse any offer or settlement proposal.


39.1 The mandate of the bargaining committee begins when it is elected and ends when the collective agreement is signed. The union office can then invite members of the negotiation committee to participate in the preparation of the results of the negotiation.


40.1 Extended Mobilization and Information Committee
As soon as the bargaining committee is elected, the union council appoints an extended mobilization and information committee of twenty (20) members, delegates or not, including at least one (1) in each of the ten (10) stations (Moncton, Matane, Sept-Îles, Rimouski, Quebec, Saguenay, Trois-Rivières, Sherbrooke, Rouyn-Noranda, Montreal).

40.2 Select Mobilization and Information Committee

On the recommendation of the extended mobilization and information committee, the union council appoints a Select Mobilization and Information Committee made up of seven (7) people; five (5) members from the extended committee, one (1) member of the bargaining committee, chosen by his peers, and the responsible for communications and mobilization at the union office.

The appointment of the members of the committee must be made within sixty (60) days of the election of the bargaining committee.

40.3 Role and responsibilities of the Select Mobilization and Information Committee:

a) prepare the mobilization and communication plan which must have been approved by the union council when the union demands are submitted to the employer;
b) are responsible for applying the communication and mobilization plan and all other mobilization activities resulting from the negotiation;
c) ensure during the negotiation period that the communication and mobilization activities achieve their objectives and report periodically to the bargaining committee and the union office;
d) update the communication and mobilization plan, according to the recommendations of the bargaining committee. The modifications are presented to the union council as soon as possible.
e) are invited, if necessary, to the discussions of the union office during the item on the agenda on the negotiations.

40.4 Duration of the mandate
The mandate of the expanded and restricted mobilization committees ends when the collective agreement is signed. The union office can then invite members of these committees to participate in the preparation of the results of the negotiations.


41.1 Declaration of principle
The members of the union adhere to, respect and apply the following principles :

a) elections for the various positions of the union office are an important democratic process;
b) the search for the best interests of the union, the best candidate to occupy the elective position and compatibility with the values ​​of the union must guide the reflection and the choice of the members;

c) in the pursuit of these objectives, elections must be an opportunity to put forward ideas, to make room for debate, to question candidates, all while respecting differences, individuals and the contrary opinion.

41.2 Union office positions are filled by election for terms of three (3) years each. The reference year for the start of the process is 2019.

41.3 The electoral process takes place in three (3) phases :

a) five (5) days for nominations;

b) eleven (11) days for the election campaign

c) five (5) days for the vote, including a weekend.

41.4 Voting method

41.4.1 Elections to union office positions are conducted by secure electronic ballot.

41.4.2 The union office chooses the external and independent firm that will be responsible for managing the electronic ballot. When this choice is made, it informs the members of the election committee.

41.4.3 If the Election Committee deems it appropriate to offer other voting methods to those who cannot vote within the prescribed time limits, it defines the way in which these votes must be cast and, if necessary, the particular applicable time limit.

41.5 Eligibility

41.5.1 Only union members in good standing are eligible for office.

41.5.2 The positions of coordinators are reserved for members from the regions with which their title is associated and are elected solely by the members of the regions they represent.

41.6 Right to vote

41.6.1 All persons who are members in good standing of the union at the close of nominations as defined in article 41.10 have the right to vote.

41.7. Election committee

41.7.1 The secretary-treasurer, after having been mandated by the union office, appeals to the CSN and its affiliated organizations for the appointment of the persons forming the election committee which will be composed of the following members:
a) an election president;
b) an election secretary;
c) a substitute member;
d) an employee of the union (in administrative support to the committee).

41.7.2 No member of the STTRC may be a member of the Election Committee. However, union members will be able to provide technical support to the election committee as required.

41.8 Role and responsibilities of the Election Committee   

41.8.1 The Election Committee shall :

a) make members and candidates aware of the electoral procedure provided for in Article 41, apply it and ensure that it is respected, until the results are announced;
b) ensure that the candidate has read and adheres to the “Candidate Code of Ethics” document;
c) answer questions from union members regarding the election;
d) promote the highest possible turnout in the ballot;
e) protect the secrecy of the vote;
f) minimise the risk of electoral fraud;
g) interpret the texts relating to the electoral procedure and decide on the issues submitted;
h) where appropriate, denounce situations with irregularities and take the necessary corrective measures throughout the electoral procedure;
i) receive and deal with complaints relating to the conduct of the electoral process and report thereon to the general assembly following the election;
j) keep a register of complaints.

41.9 Assistance to the Election Committee

41.9.1 The secretary-treasurer and the union office shall, if necessary, make all the human and material resources of the union available to the election committee. All communications, additions to the list of members and all information and documentation related to the elections shall be transmitted to him.

41.10 Opening and Closing of Nomination Period

41.10.1 The nomination period for election to the union office begins at 9 a.m. (10 a.m. in Moncton) on the Monday in September following the Annual General Meeting. The Election Committee sends an email to all members about this.

41.10.2 The nomination period closes at 5 p.m. (6 p.m. in Moncton) on the Friday following the opening of the nomination period, as provided in article 41.10.1.

41.10.3 The above-mentioned deadlines must be respected. Any late or early application will be rejected by the Election Committee.

41.10.4 A person who wishes to stand as a candidate and who is unable to present his candidacy may mandate a member in good standing of the union to transmit to the election committee a power of attorney that he has signed. This member must submit the application within the same time and under the same conditions as provided for in this chapter.

41.11 Declaration of candidacy

41.11.1 Any candidate for any of the positions of the union office in election must complete and sign the official nomination form “Nominee Declaration” and the “Candidate Code of Ethics”, available from the Election Secretary. These documents may be signed by hand or by means of an electronic signature device recognized by law.

41.11.2 The candidate for one of the positions in the union office must submit these documents when submitting his nomination.

41.11.3 The documents provided for in 41.11.1 must be filed with the election secretary or sent by email to the e-mail address dedicated for that purpose, no later than the closing date of the nomination period, as provided in article 41.10.2. The two (2) forms are also annexed to these Statutes.

41.11.4 For election purposes, an email address will be created, distributed to members and made available for any communication with the election committee.

41.11.5 Any candidate must expressly indicate on his application form the position on which he is applying.

41.11.6 Nominations for the various positions are exclusive in the sense that a person applying for one of the positions in election may not be a candidate for another position on the union office.

41.11.7 For a nomination to be valid, it must meet the conditions set out in articles 41.11.1, 41.11.2, 41.11.3 and 41.11.5. The election committee shall confirm the validity of the candidacy as soon as possible.

41.11.8 Upon receipt of a nomination, the election committee shall send the candidate a copy of the Statutes of the union.

41.11.9 Candidates should contact the Election Committee if they have any questions of interpretation about the electoral rules.

41.12 Publication of Nominations

On the Monday following the closing of the nomination period, the application and code of ethics forms provided for in articles 41.11.1 and 41.11.2 are posted on the syndicate’s website, as well as the text of the first advertisement and the video provided for in article 41.14.1 if the candidate wishes to avail himself of these promotional means.

41.12.1 A member of the union council may apply for a position on the union board. If he is elected to the trade union bureau, he is deemed to have resigned as a delegate. In the event that he loses the election, the member of the union council continues to occupy the position he holds.

41.13 Support of elected officials
Il est permis à un élu du bureau syndical ou du conseil syndical de manifester son appui à un ou plusieurs candidats.

41.14 Election advertising

41.14.1 The union shall have a dedicated section of its website available to candidates so that they can, if they wish, have two (2) texts and a video published for their electoral promotion.

41.14.2 The delivery of the first advertisement must be done no later than 8 a.m. on the Monday following the closing of the nomination period, the date on which the candidates’ election campaign begins, for publication later in the day.

41.14.3 The delivery of the second advertisement must be made no later than the Friday following the closing of the nomination period in order to be published on the following Monday.

41.14.4 For each advertising text, unless the election committee decides otherwise, each candidate is entitled to the front of a page in the format 8 1/2 x 11 which will be converted into a PDF document and deposited in the dedicated section of the union’s website.

41.14.5 Every candidate is also entitled to a video capsule of up to one and a half minutes (1 m 30 s) which is posted on the dedicated section of the union’s website. This video must be received no later than 8 a.m. (9 a.m. in Moncton) on the Monday following the closing of the nomination period.

41.14.6 Advertising texts and videos for the same position are posted online at the same time for all candidates.

41.14.7 The election committee may refuse to post a text or video that it deems contrary to the “Candidate Code of Ethics ” among others.

41.14.8 Candidates may assert themselves by other means provided that they respect the commitments contained in the “Candidate Code of Ethics”. These commitments are also valid for comments made on social media as well as any other platform and any other means of communication.

41..14.9 With time or logistical constraints, the election committee may provide for other means, such as the organization of debates, to make candidates known to the members of the union.

41.15 Election without opposition

41.15.1 If there is only one candidate for office, that person shall be elected without opposition.

41.15.2 The Election Committee shall then inform the members by email.

41.15.3 In the event that, after the beginning of the voting period, one or more candidates withdraw in such a way that only one candidate remains in the running, the latter shall be elected without opposition.

41.16 Opening and closing of voting period

41.16.1 Voting period begins at 9 a.m. on the third Friday following the Annual General Meeting;

41.16.2 The voting period ends at 5 p.m. on the fourth Tuesday following the Annual General Meeting;

The election committee has the power to extend the electronic voting period if problems prevent members from voting;

41.16.3 The Election Committee shall send an email to the members of the union at the opening of the voting period.

41.16.4 No vote shall be accepted after the close of the voting period specified in this rule.

41.17 Withdrawal and resumption of a vote following a death

41.17.1 In the event that three (3) or more candidates run for office and one of them dies after the beginning of the voting period, voting will be retaken in that position. Voting will be retaken as soon as possible.

41.17.2 The withdrawal of a candidate is permitted only up to twenty-four (24) hours before the opening of the voting period.

41.18 Furthering the work of elected officials during the election campaign
Between the opening of nominations and the release of results, individuals who hold positions at the union office continue to ensure the progress of routine files without restriction, even if they seek reappointment.

41.19 Union leave
At no time may members of the union office or the union council use their union release time for their own election campaign or to support one or more other candidates.

41.20 Electronic voting period

41.20.1 At the time nominations are launched, the Election Committee shall notify members who have not yet provided the union with a personal e-mail address (other than that provided by Radio-Canada) that they must do so in order to receive communications from the union and those relating to the election procedure and to be able to exercise their right to vote.

It also warns members who do not meet the criteria of article 6.2 that they must comply with them in order to exercise their right to vote.

The member is responsible for providing his personal email address to the union and complying with article 6.2 before the first Friday following the Annual General Meeting.

41.20.2 In order to prevent fraud and identity theft, the following information will be mandatory when voting for the electronic authentication of the member:

a) surname and given name

b) Radio-Canada employee number

c) Radio-Canada email

41.20.3 Before permanently recording his vote in the electronic system, each elector may review his choices and confirm his selection, which will be final.

41.20.4 When the voter casts his vote electronically, any period of inactivity of more than twenty (20) minutes will result in the cancellation of the transaction. The data will not be saved and, if the voter wishes to participate in the election, he will have to resume the entire process.

41.21 Vote counting

41.21.1 The vote counting shall take place within one hour after the end of the voting period provided for in articles 41.16 and 41.17, if applicable.

41.21.2 The Election Committee shall produce a report containing the overall results for each of the candidates, in order to preserve the confidentiality of the vote.The Election Committee shall produce a report containing the overall results for each of the candidates, in order to preserve the confidentiality of the vote.

41.21.3 In the event of a dispute over the eligibility of a vote, the Election Committee shall decide immediately. The election committee shall specify the number of ballots rejected when the election results are published.

41.22 Announcing results to the candidate

The election committee shall inform the candidate or his authorized representative of the results of the poll before they are published.

41.23 Announcing election results
The Election Committee shall announce the results of the elections within one hour of the completion of the count.

41.24 Taking of office for elected members
The elected members take office at the first (1st) meeting of the union bureau which is held no later than two (2) weeks after the end of the election.

41.25 Contesting the election

41.25.1 Electronic voting records shall be destroyed fifteen (15) days after the election, unless a candidate challenges or the Election Committee requests otherwise.

41.25.2 Only a candidate in the election may contest the validity of the election. Such a request must be filed with the Election Committee within seven (7) days of the announcement of the results.

41.25.3 Only reasons related to the terms and conditions of the election itself may give rise to a challenge, including :

a) non-conformity of the procedure;    

b) irregularity in the compilation of the vote;

c) error in counting the vote.

41.25.4 After investigation by the Election Committee, if the contest of the election proves to be well founded, the Committee shall cancel the vote and resume it within a maximum period of three (3) months;

41.25.5 The decision of the Election Committee is final and without appeal.

41.26 Final report of the Election Committee

41.26.1 At the end of the electoral process, and as soon as possible, the Election Committee shall submit a detailed report to the union council. 

a) the detailed results of the ballot for each of the positions in the election, including the number of persons entitled to vote;

b) participation;

c) the number of cancelled ballots;

d) the specific decisions he had to take;

e) the technical or other difficulties he has encountered.

41.26.2 The committee will also report on complaints received without mentioning the names of the complainants. The committee may disclose, if it deems it necessary, the names of the persons to whom the complaint relates if it considers that the complaint in question is well-founded.

41.26.3 The election committee will make the recommendations deemed useful in order to correct problematic situations and may in particular request that the electoral rules contained in article 41 be modified in certain aspects.

41.26.4 The union office and the union council shall act on the recommendations of the election committee.

41.26.5 The report shall also be submitted to the General Assembly following the elections.

41.27 Complaints about the conduct of certain candidates

41.27.1 The Elections Committee is the only body empowered to deal with complaints about the conduct of candidates. Any complaint on this subject must be sent to the election committee at the email address dedicated to the elections that has been communicated to the members;

41.27.2 The Election Committee shall keep a register of the complaints received and the action taken on each complaint.

41.28 Power of the Election Committee

41.28.1 In the event of non-compliance by a candidate with the election procedure or violation of the “Candidate Code of Ethics”, the Election Committee may, in particular and without limitation :

a) ask the candidate to apologize or retract statements made;
b) publish a decision when it deems it necessary;
c) order a candidate to respect the rules governing elections;
d) order the destruction of an election advertisement or refuse to post a publication online where it contravenes the “Candidate Code of Ethics”;
e) in the case of recidivist or delinquent conduct on the part of a candidate, transmit the situation to the discipline committee provided for in article 8.3;
f) make any other action it deems necessary in order to correct the situation.

41.29 Terming of the term of office of the election committee
The mandate of the election committee ends at the time of publication of the results of the election, subject to the execution of the responsibilities associated with sections 41.25 to 41.28 inclusive.


42.1 In order to follow up on union files, all delegate and substitute positions are filled every three years (reference year: 2022).

42.2 The Secretary-Treasurer shall send notices of nominations to the sections between September 15 and October 15. The nomination period is at least seventy-two (72) hours, excluding statutory holidays, Saturdays and Sundays.

42.3 The Secretary-Treasurer shall collect nominations and hold ballots when required. The coordinator of the region concerned acts as election secretary. In the absence of the coordinator, the secretary-treasurer appoints the Secretary of Elections.

42.4 At any time, the Secretary-Treasurer may appoint delegates, substitutes or members in good standing to act as Chair and Secretary of Elections, notwithstanding the provisions in article 42.3.

42.5 The Secretary-Treasurer or shall determine the terms and conditions of the secret ballot after consultation with the delegate(s) of the section.

42.6 The Secretary-Treasurer shall call an election within three (3) months after the resignation, departure or dismissal of a delegate or substitute. In the absence of a candidate, the Secretary-Treasurer has three (3) months to launch a new call for applications and so on.


43.1 Statement of principal
Union members adhere to, respect and implement the following principles :

a) Elections to the bargaining committee are an important democratic process.

b) The search for the best interests of the union, the best candidates to participate in the negotiation of the renewal of the agreement and respect for the values of the union must guide the reflection and the choice of the members

c) In pursuit of these objectives, elections must be an opportunity to put forward ideas, to make room for debate, to question candidates, all while respecting differences, individuals and contrary opinion.

43.1.1 The electoral process shall take place in the following manner : Nominations for the negotiating committee are opened at the General Assembly, in accordance with article 37.2. If a vote is necessary, it will be held in the week following the meeting for a period of three (3) days. The union council presents its recommendations to the General Assembly. A member can also submit his candidacy without having been recommended by the union council, he must then obtain the support of at least five members in good standing present. The entire process must be completed at least nine (9) months before the collective agreement expires. If no spontaneous application comes forward, the negotiating committee is then formed according to the recommendations of the union council. The committee is then considered elected, by acclamation, by the General Assembly.

43.2 Method of voting

43.2.1 Elections to the Bargaining Committee shall be conducted by secure electronic ballot.

43.2.2 The union office shall select the outside firm that will manage the electronic ballot.

43.3 Eligibility
Only members in good standing of the union are eligible for a position on the Bargaining Committee.

43.4 Right to vote
All persons who are members in good standing of the union at the close of nominations as defined in article 43.6 have the right to vote.

43.5 Coordination of the election
Three (3) persons are appointed by the union council to coordinate the election: a member of the union bureau, a member of the union council and an employee of the union. These persons may not be candidates for election to the Bargaining Committee.

These persons must :
a) make members and candidates aware of the electoral procedure provided for in article 43, apply it and ensure that it is respected, until the results are announced;
b) ensure that the candidate has completed and signed his nomination paper and the “Candidate Code of Ethics” document;
c) answer questions from union members regarding the election;
d) promote the highest possible turnout in the ballot;
e) protect the secrecy of the vote;
f) minimize the risk of electoral fraud.

43.5.1 An email address will be created, distributed to members and made available for communication with those responsible for coordinating the election.

43.6 Access to electronic voting

43.6.1 La période de mise en candidature s’ouvre un vendredi à 8 h et se termine 10 jours plus tard, soit un lundi à midi. Les dates d’ouverture et de fermeture sont déterminées par le bureau syndical et annoncées aux membres un mois à l’avance.

43.6.2 Pour avoir accès au vote électronique, les membres doivent fournir une adresse courriel personnelle (non radio-canadienne) au plus tard à la fin de la période de mise en candidature prévue à l’article 44.6.1.
43.7 Declaration of candidacy
43.7.1 All candidates on the Bargaining Committee must:

a) complete the official nomination form ” Nominee Declaration” available on the union’s website;
b) complete the “Candidate Code of Ethics available on the union’s website;

c) send the documents in subparagraph a) and b) before the end of the nomination period set out in article 44.6, via the email address provided for that purpose. Documents may be signed by hand or by means of an electronic signature device recognized by law.

43.7.2 Nomination papers are posted on the union’s website as they are received at the email address provided for that purpose.

43.7.3 A person who wishes to stand as a candidate and who is unable to present his candidacy may mandate a member in good standing of the union to transmit to the election committee a power of attorney that he has signed. This member must submit the application within the same time and under the same conditions as provided for in this chapter.

43.8 Election Advertisement
43.8.1 The union makes a dedicated section of its website available to candidates so that they can, if they wish, have a text published for their electoral promotion.

43.8.2 The text of the advertisement must make up the front of a page 8 1/2 x 11 and must be submitted no later than the end of the nomination period.

43.8.3 Advertisements are published on the union’s website as and when they are received at the email address provided for that purpose.

43.8.4 Those responsible for coordinating the election may refuse to post a text online that they consider contrary to the “Candidate Code of Ethics” among others.

43.8.5 Candidates may assert themselves by other means provided they respect the commitments contained in the “Candidate Code of Ethics”. These commitments are also valid for comments made on social media as well as any other platform and any other means of communication.

43.9 Support from elected officials
It is permissible for an elected representative of the trade union bureau or the trade union council to express his support for one or more candidates.

43.10 Withdrawal
The withdrawal of a candidate is permitted only up to twenty-four (24) hours before the opening of the voting period.

43.11 Union leave
At no time may members of the union office or the union council use their union leave for their own election campaign or to support one or more other candidates.

43.12 Electronic voting rights

43.12.1 To have the right to vote, a member must comply with the criteria of article 6.2 and provide a personal email address different from that provided by Radio-Canada.

43.12.2 In order to prevent fraud and identity theft, the following information will be mandatory when voting for the electronic authentication of the member:

a) name and surname

b) Radio-Canada employee number

c) personal email

43.13 Voting ballot

43.13.1 The voter checks the names of four (4) candidates on the ballot paper.

43.13.2 However, if the president of the union and the labor relations manager or the disputes and grievances manager do not come from a region outside Montreal, then the candidate from a region outside Montreal who will obtain the greatest number of votes will be considered elected, as well as the three other candidates having obtained the most votes.

43.14 Vote counting

43.14.1 The vote counting shall take place after the close of the voting period and the results shall be communicated within twenty-four (24) hours.

43.14.2 Those responsible for coordinating the election shall produce a report containing the overall results for each of the candidates, in order to preserve the confidentiality of the vote, as well as the number of rejected ballots.

43.14.3 In the event of a dispute over the admissibility of a vote, the persons responsible for coordinating the election shall decide immediately.

43.15 Announcing results

43.15.1 Those responsible for coordinating the election shall inform the candidate of the results of the ballot as soon as they are known and before they are published.

43.15.2 They shall then inform the members of the results of the elections.

43.16 Contesting of the election

43.16.1 Electronic voting records shall be destroyed fifteen (15) days after the election, unless a candidate contests.

43.16.2 Only a candidate in the election may contest the validity of the election. Such a request must be filed with the union office within seven (7) days of the announcement of the results.

43.16.3 Only reasons related to the terms and conditions of the election itself may give rise to a challenge, including :

a) non-conformity of the procedure;

b) irregularity in the compilation of the vote;b)

c) error in counting the vote.

43.16.4 After investigation from union office, if the contest to the election proves to be well founded, the union office shall cancel the vote and resume it within a maximum period of one (1) week;

43.16.5 The decision of the trade union bureau is final and without appeal.


44.1 It is the exclusive competence of the General Assembly to amend these Statutes.

44.2 The Secretary-Treasurer shall communicate the proposed amendment to the members at least fifteen (15) days before the general meeting is held.

44.3 No later than nine (9) days before the general meeting, a member may transmit to the secretary-treasurer a proposal to amend the articles. The secretary-treasurer must communicate the proposals to the members as soon as possible and submit them to the meeting of the union council preceding the holding of the meeting.

44.4 Any amendment to these Statutes shall take effect upon its adoption by the General Assembly.

44.5 The union council may amend the by-laws of the union.


45.1 To be adopted, the voluntary dissolution of the union must be supported by two-thirds (2/3) of the paying members of the union.

45.1.1 In the event of loss of the union’s certification certificate, in order to be adopted, the dissolution of the union must receive the support of a majority of the members in good standing voting on the proposal for dissolution, in accordance with the rules to be established by the general meeting.

45.2 In the event of the dissolution of the syndicate, the remaining property shall be distributed in accordance with the Professional Syndicates Act.


46.1 The mediation and conflict resolution committee is made up of three (3) people, prioritizing, if possible, at least one (1) person from a region, from the union council.

46.2 Committee members must not hold a position in the union office nor be an appointed or elected member of a committee or body of the Union, with the exception of the union council.

46.3 The mandate of the members of the mediation and conflict resolution committee is for a period of three (3) years.

46.4 The composition of the mediation and conflict resolution committee is ratified by the members present at the annual general meeting.

46.5 In the event of departure before the end of a mandate, the vacant position is subject to an election among the members of the union council, within ninety (90) days following departure.


47.1 The mediation and conflict resolution committee meets as necessary, within a reasonable time following receipt of a denunciation of an act deviating from the Union’s Code of Ethics and involving an appointed or elected member of a committee or a body of the Union within the framework of its functions.

47.2 The quorum is two (2) members.


48.1 Duties and powers of the mediation and conflict resolution committee

The mediation and conflict resolution committee is responsible for :

a) examining all denunciations submitted to it in connection with the exercise of union functions of an appointed or elected member of a committee or body of the Union within the framework of his or her functions;

b) responding and initiating the mediation and conflict resolution process within no more than forty-five (45) days after receipt of a denunciation;

c) completing the mediation and conflict resolution process within three (3) months following the filing of a denunciation, except in the case of an extension authorized by the union council;

d) ensuring that it respects the confidential nature of sensitive comments that may be reported to it, while reporting its work to the appropriate authorities;

e) undergoing training in mediation and conflict resolution;

f) adding, if necessary, with the support of the union office, the external resources necessary for support in the event of mediation or conflicts;

g) providing its recommendations to the union office, which may go so far as to suggest to the union council that it pronounce the suspension or revocation of an elective or nominative office of a member in question

h) making, if necessary, recommendations to the various union authorities, referring to article 8 on the resignation, suspension or expulsion of a member in good standing of the union, where applicable.