The Fédération nationale des communications et de la culture–CSN was founded in 1972. At that time, the journalistic community was demanding the implementation of professional clauses to protect their independence in the context of their work. To obtain this respect, information workers grouped together in union organizations that would henceforth represent them.

The FNCC–CSN brings together independent employee unions as well as contract workers in the communications and culture industry.

This grouping allows the approximately 6,000 members grouped in 88 unions to give themselves tools to ensure their representation and negotiate collective labor agreements that ensure respect for their rights. From a public right to information perspective, the federation also defends freedom of the press and expression.

The profiles of its members and their professional backgrounds are varied. They work in the following three sectors: media (radio, television, weeklies and dailies), communications (multimedia, cable, cinemas, publishing, polling companies and telephony) and culture (performance halls, museums and audiovisual).

We also bring together contract workers from the artistic, performing arts, video and journalism sectors.

Our mission: to defend the economic, social, political and professional interests of our members. For us, people, their dignity and their social development remain at the heart of our concerns. Our actions therefore aim primarily to ensure our members have decent working conditions, their recognition and a healthy and rewarding work environment.


Over the years, the FNCC has become a credible interlocutor whose points of view are regularly sought by various stakeholders in the communications and culture industry.

We are proud of our union membership, our experience and our achievements, which constitute an essential reference in terms of labour relations in the communications sector. Our federation is affiliated with the Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN).