NEW membER ?
Any person employed by Radio-Canada in the territory of Quebec and Moncton is a member of the STTRC as long as their position is found in the approximately 300 job titles in our job descriptions.
To do so, they must electronically sign a membership card available on the STTRC website.
This allows them to participate in the union’s activities, including running for one of the elective positions and voting.

Any person employed by Radio-Canada in the territory of Quebec and Moncton is a member of the STTRC, as long as his or her position is found in the approximately 300 job titles in our job descriptions.
Every member of the STTRC—there are about 3,000 of us—has the same rights. The main function of a union is to negotiate a collective employment contract, which takes the form of a collective agreement. The challenge for a union like ours is to ensure that everyone gets what they want. In full? No, but our employment contract must give us more advantages than disadvantages.
The best way to do this is to stay informed and participate in meetings, gatherings and assemblies. First, there is the general assembly of members, which is held at least once a year.
All members have the right to speak and vote.
Each union member is a member of a section. Once every three years, there is an election of delegates. The delegate is the voice of the members of his or her section within the union between general assemblies.
As for staying informed, the STTRC regularly publishes the Newsletter, which summarizes the latest activities and developments.

There is also the discussion page on Facebook where Facebook Lives are organized with the presidency, which allow for free and unhindered exchanges.
The delegates are also a source of information. While it is not necessary to know the collective agreement by heart, skimming through it to get a general idea will allow you to avoid an overzealous manager “pulling a fast one”. Don’t believe everything they tell you.

Your union can also help you negotiate your starting salary at Radio-Canada. This is the most important because it will determine your rank in the salary scale for your job title. The same goes for contract workers.
Your union can also help you negotiate your starting salary at Radio-Canada. This is the most important because it will determine your rank in the salary scale for your job title. The same goes for contract workers.
The rights and obligations of members are found in our statutes and regulations. Our statutes and regulations are regularly subject to amendments. This is normal, it is a toolbox that must be updated
regularly. But these amendments can only be authorized by the members; they will be discussed and voted on at the general meeting..